Friday, November 13, 2009

Have i missed it?

I've draft this long ago..forgot to publish here it a meantime for a long post later on...This post is dedicated to all my other 'still single' friends out there...

Quoted from a friend, Syed thru ym.....we talked about this soul-mate thing...a very nice friend to chat with...we are open in our conversation...having the same thoughts.. in many ways...and that makes comfortable conversation.. now he's in Australia, sailing for a new life ..I wish u all the best my friend!!!!!So here's the piece of words he gave..

"If u go too fast, and don't stop for sight seeing, when u get on the train the next stop, the seats already filled from previous station. Then u wished that u had stopped earlier, at least for sight seeing..who knows. But u get so focused on destination that u bypass all other stations and when u finally get to ur destination..there's nobody to share the story with and worst... the stop was empty and deserted..."

Very deep words there..make sense somehow..have i missed it?Had I too focused on something elses that I missed my own???Was I too afraid to give it a try???

I will...pray the best for everything....eventhough...have i really missed it???

Monday, November 9, 2009

Niat ditangguhkan..

Hari ni kira2 hampir 2 bulan tidak mengemaskini blog ini..

Namun macam2 perkara yang perlu diselesaikan...dokumen2 yang perlu diisi, disiapkan sebagai persiapan untuk kerja2 pensampelan hari rabu ini...satu-dua muka surat tentang PhD yang perlu diserahkan kepada ketua projek..dan yang paling penting..PERASAAN GOYAH yang semakin lama semakin menghimpit..semakin menghantui......APA YANG GOYAH??Saya tak harus menceritakannya secara terperinci...harap perasaan ini bukan mengganggu..tapi motivasi diri..perasaan yang tidak ada kena mengena dengan perjalanan PhD ini..tetapi perasaan dalaman yang memang setiap manusia harus hadapi...setiap ketika...setiap kali bertemu DIA YANG MAHA ESA..hanya kepadaNYA saya mohon petunjuk...diberi jawapan kepada setiap kesangsian yang saya hadapi...

Jadi dengan beberapa perkara yang perlu diselesaikan, niat untuk mengemaskini blog ini terpaksa ditangguhkan...
