Thursday, January 28, 2010

Last year's birthday wishes..

All this text messages I've kept in my mobile for almost a year now..they were many, emails n via internet..and last year was indeed the best birthday celebration ever!!....continuous celebrations..surprises...I'm so blessed... so I I'm going to reach another year of my age very2 soon, I shall delete all those mobile birthday wishes, prayers as they have been with me, I've read them always...over and over again..through my ups and down, and in so many ways have helped me to finally made it through to where I am now, what I've become..for almost 365 days counts..However, prayers from all those who are so dear to you..will never fade..and will be kept forever to cherish our lives..therefore, as mobile msgs can't be stored elsewehere.. for commemoration..I shall keep it here.....

Ain : Take care. Happy 30th birthday dear. May everything that u dream of will become reality. Allah sayangkan you.

Kerol : Selamat Hari lahir Cik Izan!Semoga selamanya diberkati, dirahmati dan dilindungi Allah selalu hendaknya. insyaAllah.

Zehan : Bie, hepi besday. Moga pjg umur dan murah rezeki. May all happiness will be yours.

Zafirah : Conducting a blood test. Testing...testing in progress..testing finish! Result : Sorry u have no blood. U r all honey. No wonder u r so sweet. Hepi B'day C. Izan.

Syimal : Salam. Hepi besday. Mg pjg umur & murah tercapai segala impian dan harapan. Amin.

Kat : Happy Birthday Cik B!May u n ur oved ones b blessed with happiness here n hereafter. Amin!

Ikmar : Happiest bday Zan..Moga dipanjangkan usia n dmurahkan rezeki..

Seha : Happy Birthday cik Izan...Semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki. Sayang selalu..

Uji : Hepy Bday to u. Hope u'll b blessed. Amin..

Popie Entech : Selamat hari lahir miss izan. hope hepi alwayz

Awien : Hepy bday. Smoga dpanjangkan umur dimurahkan rezeki..

Athiera Entech : Cik Izan...hepi birthday..!Semoga pjg umur dan mdh rzki, chat selalu, hepi selalu.

Ayin Entech : No sweet thoughts to forward..No cute graphics to send...Juz a Caring Heart 2 say happy birthday

Gezek Entech : Smile..cry..bored..proud.hungry..happy..confuse..sleepy..whatever mood u are in now, i hope my msg can make u smile..Hepi Birthday Miss Izan..May Allah bless u & your family with 1001 of His barakah..

Azmina : Hepi birthday Kak Izan..semoga dirahmati Allah dunia akhirat..

To all..I made it through the year...they're all because of you...God bless!!!



  1. Kak Izan, Happy becoming Birthday tomorrow, stay sweet as alwiz... me miss u, take care, semoga dilindungi dan diberkati oleh-Nya and may everything goes smoothly, insyaAllah ...

  2. kak izan..ingat tapi lupa! hehe. sorry. happy belated birthday!!! semoga sentiasa sihat sejahtera,dimurahkan rezeki,dipermudahkan segala sentiasa olehNya Yang Maha Esa. Amin. love you!!
